July, 2020

  1. John Thorpe’s 2nd version

    July 26, 2020 by Jaap Dienaar

    A beautiful early nitro Pancar produced by the legendary Mr. John Thorpe; a true pioneer for RC-cars in the USA.
    This model is currently in the care of Mr. Christophe Seux from France.

  2. MRC Bullit Nitro

    July 2, 2020 by Jaap Dienaar

    MRC was a French manufacturer in the 80’s. The Bullit was designed by Jean Michel Claudel. This was the nitro engine powered version of the 2WD buggy.

  3. Kyosho Turbo Optima Mid SE

    July 2, 2020 by Jaap Dienaar

    The Kyosho Turbo Optima Mid SE, kit no. 3136H, was an upgraded version of the Kyosho Turbo Mid, a populair version of the the 1/10th scale 4WD buggy. The model is one of the very succesfull designs of Mr. Akira Kogawa from Kyosho and originated around 1988.