The Associated RC2 was the updated version of the RC1, and so it is the second production model of Team Associated. It was only short on the market as it was replaced by the legendary Associated RC100; the car that dominated the first IFMAR World Championships at Thorp Raceway in Pomona, California (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘Competition’
Associated RC2 (1971)
February 9, 2021 by Jaap Dienaar
Category Associated | Tags: 1/8th,1970's,Associated,Competition,Models of the 1970's | Comments Off on Associated RC2 (1971)
Associated RC 1 (1970)
February 9, 2021 by Jaap Dienaar
The first RC Car made by Associated, a 2WD pancar produced in 1970.
In 60’s slot cars were the hottest trend and hobbyist’s Roger Curtis and Lee Yurada decided to produce slot car parts, accessories, and even cars. They soon opened up a local slot car race track in Lynnwood, CA and Associated Electrics (AE) was born. (more…)Category Associated | Tags: 1/8th,1970's,Associated,Competition,Models of the 1970's | Comments Off on Associated RC 1 (1970)
John Thorpe’s 2nd version
July 26, 2020 by Jaap Dienaar
A beautiful early nitro Pancar produced by the legendary Mr. John Thorpe; a true pioneer for RC-cars in the USA.
This model is currently in the care of Mr. Christophe Seux from France.
(more…)Category Thorp | Tags: 1/8th,1970's,Competition,Models of the 1970's | Comments Off on John Thorpe’s 2nd version
MRC Lola
June 28, 2020 by Jaap Dienaar
An rare and unknown early model of MRC, a French company. MRC was short for ‘Model Racing Car’.
Pictures only because we don’t have any further information about this car.
(more…)Category MRC | Tags: 1/8th,1970's,Competition,Models of the 1970's | Comments Off on MRC Lola
SG (Mantua Model) Red One 4WD
July 16, 2013 by Jaap Dienaar
The Red One is a full option 1/8th Circuit Race Car with a belt driven 4WD system, fully ball raced with oil filled shocks and a machined T6-aluminium Chassis. The SG Red One was the last ‘top of the line’ RC-car from the italian company SG. This very fast model has a 2-speed gearbox. (more…)
Category Mantua Model, SG | Tags: 1/8th,1990's,Competition,EFRA,SG | Comments Off on SG (Mantua Model) Red One 4WD
Serpent Quattro 4WD – 1986
May 4, 2011 by Jaap Dienaar
This is the famous Serpent Quattro 4wd. Kit no.: 4004.
Belt driven with a 2 speed transmission. This car is the further development of the successful 2WD version of the first Serpent model with 4 wheel independent suspention Quattro Mk. IV. The front axle was driven by a belt.
The 2WD version had severall manners to drive the rear axle, there were different versions: chain, direct drive via gears and belt drive. Through a clever model policy, it was possible to upgrade the vehicle through up-grade kits to 4WD.
The 4-WD conversion kit no. 4650 can be mounted to all Quattro models. The only modification to models before 1985 is the epoxy radio plate. Models from januari ’85 and on have universal radio plates for both 2-WD and 4-WD. (more…)Category Serpent | Tags: 1/8th,1980's,Competition,Quattro,Races,Serpent | Comments Off on Serpent Quattro 4WD – 1986
PB Racing Products PB6 – 1979
January 3, 2010 by Jaap Dienaar
The PB6 is a highly sophisticated design which provides the ultimate starter into serious racing. The kit features both wide (as featured here) and narrow chassis, precision stamped from 7075-T6 alloy and is black anodised. Separate super rigid power pod for maximum power tansmission…..
(more…)Category PB | Tags: 1/8th,1970's,1979,Competition,Models of the 1970's,PB,Races | Comments Off on PB Racing Products PB6 – 1979
Pictures from the Netherlands – Races in the ’80s
May 29, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
Herewith you find many pictures of Races in the Netherlands from the 1980s.
See famous drivers like Rody Roem winning his first world title, Pieter Bervoets, Ron Ton, Paco Raap and many, many more….Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1980,1980's,Competition,EFRA,Models of the 1980's,Races | Comments Off on Pictures from the Netherlands – Races in the ’80s
SG Futura 111 VCS Brochure
February 28, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
The brochure of the SG Futura 111 VCS 1/8th scale nitro onroad car.
Category SG | Tags: 1970's,1979,Competition,Futura,SG | Comments Off on SG Futura 111 VCS Brochure
World Championships Indianapolis, USA – 1981
February 26, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
“….Zum dritten Mal in der Minicar-Geschichte wurden die Weltmeisterschaftenin der Klasse Sport ausgetragen. Nach 1977 in Pomona
tKalifornien) und 1979 in Genf (Schweiz) wieder im Ursprungslandd er RC-Cars in den USA, in Indianapolis (Indiana). Insgesamt waren 138 Fahrer aus 20 Nationen genann…..”Click ‘Read the rest of this entry »’ to read the whole article…
Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1980's,1981,Competition,German,Worlds | Comments Off on World Championships Indianapolis, USA – 1981
European Championships at Götenborg in 1980
February 26, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
“….. Göteborg (Richtung Norden, und dann..) war Austragungsort der diesjährigen Europameisterschaft. Die Strekke, der Väst-8-Ring, liegt im Westen der Stadt direkt beim Volvo-Werk. Schon im letzten Jahr wurde extra für die Europameisterschaft eine neue Asphaltschicht aufgetragen…..”
Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1980,1980's,Competition,German,Races | Comments Off on European Championships at Götenborg in 1980
World Championships Monaco 1980
February 26, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
“…..Die Strecke, die auf die Motoren geradezu mörderisch wirkt. und die nicht endende Gerade, zwei Bremskurven und die für Monaco schon legendären Schikanen fügten sich zu einem Kurs ineinander, wie man ihn sich für das Fürstentum nicht anders hätte ausdenken können….”
Click ‘Read the rest of this entry »’ to read the whole article…
Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1980,1980's,Competition,German | Comments Off on World Championships Monaco 1980
World Championships 1979 in Genéve, Swiss
February 26, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
“…. Von den insgesamt 200 zugelassenen Fahrern aus 16 europäischen und weiteren fünf außereuropäischen Ländern gingen in Genf – zur zweiten WM – 163 an den Start. Besonders traten hierbei die Japaner und Amerikaner zum Vorschein, die mit Fahrern, Mechanikern und Managern in der Kopfzahl weitaus den anderen überlegen waren……”
Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1970's,1979,Competition,Races,Worlds | Comments Off on World Championships 1979 in Genéve, Swiss
European Championships at Nürnberg, Germany in 1979
February 26, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
“…Zum zweiten Male in der Minicar-Geschichte war Deutschland im Mittelpunkt der Minicar-Szene. Nachdem in Wiesbaden die WM-Revanche ohne ,,nasse” Füße vorüber gegangen war, hatte nun Deutschland seinen zweiten großen Auftritt in der europäischen Minicar-Szene: Die Europa-Meisterschaften 1979…..”
(more…)Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1970's,1979,Competition | Comments Off on European Championships at Nürnberg, Germany in 1979
European Championships at Lilford Park in 1978
February 26, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
“… Lilford Park ist ein Freizeitpark, ca.100 Kilometer nördlich von London, in dessen hinterster Ecke eine permanente Piste für RC-Cars liegt. Diese ist ziemlich schmal – teilweise nur drei Meter breit -, sehr wellig und durch vier Haarnadelkurven recht langsam. Hier also fand dieses Jahr die alljährlich von der Europäischen Federation für radiogesteuerte Automodelle, kurtz EFRA genannt, ausgeschriebene Europameisterschaft der Klassen ..Formel” und ,,Sport” statt….”
(more…)Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1978,Competition,Races,U.K. | Comments Off on European Championships at Lilford Park in 1978
European Championship 1977 Lentilly, France
February 26, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
Es handelt sich in diesem Bericht um die Europameisterschaft für ferngelenkte Automodelle (international RCCar genannt) mit Verbrennungsmotor, die am 13./L4. August 1977 in Lentilly (Frankreichr) statt fand.
Category Championships, Historic Races | Tags: 1970's,1977,Competition | Comments Off on European Championship 1977 Lentilly, France
RC at Leichester – 1972
February 25, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
A race report from Leichester – 1972
“…..It just shows how good the Americans really are; Roy Moody (whose car was featured in sisterpublication , R.C.M. & E. last year) turned up at Leicester on Sunday, June 25th and, despite never having driven on the demanding but superb circuit in the Midlands, took first place….”
Category Historic Races | Tags: 1970's,1972,Competition,Races,U.K. | Comments Off on RC at Leichester – 1972
Minitex Race in 1972
February 25, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
Here is a race report from one of the earlier races in the World; the Minitex Race of 1972 in the U.K.
Click ‘Read the rest of this entry »’ to read the whole article…
Category Historic Races | Tags: 1970's,Competition,Races,U.K. | Comments Off on Minitex Race in 1972
Serpent Spirit 1987
January 28, 2009 by Jaap Dienaar
Scans from a german magazine from may 1987 with nice pictures of the Serpent Spirit 1987 and some pictures of Richard Rijkers from the Netherlands.
Category Serpent | Tags: 1980's,Competition,Models of the 1980's,Serpent | Comments Off on Serpent Spirit 1987